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Peak Mountain 3

Weissners Dike

FA Fritz Weissner &


P1-Climb the dike from where the dike touches down to the ground to a 2 bolt anchor under the old man's dog. 5.4

P2-Climb right from the belay through some loose rock and trend up and right staying to the right of the old man's dog, you should go past a 4" birch on this pitch, stay just to the right of it and belay at the start of some 3rd/4th class slabs. 5.4

P3-climb 100' of 3rd/4th class and belay at a 2 bolt anchor on the base of the indented slab.

P4-Climb the right hand margin of the slab, bushy and a little loose till you get to a medium sized tree ledge with a OLD 1 bolt anchor next to a perfect crack. 5.4

P5-Climb straight up from the belay going under an easy roof to a 4" crack in a beautiful dihedral to another roof, pull the roof on the right and you will join the second to last pitch on lakeview near the top. Sinker jams on this pitch. 5.5

P6-The archival hump and the classic corner to the top. Belay off cables. 5.6

[NOTE: This pitch, while technically on Lakeview, is where the 5.6 rating comes from for Weissner's Dike. R.Hall]


Look at the cliff, find the dike, climb it.


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