HomeUSAColoradoTelluride/Norwood areaOphirOphir WallMain Wall<Dr. Gizmo5.10+>Comes a Time5.10-Edit modeDingomaniaque5.13-sportFA Antoine Savelli & Teri Savelli, 1986CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThis is the first multi-pitch bolted route put up in 1986. It was very controversial at that time.It is left ofHot Wee Weeand right ofDr. Gizmo.First pitch: climb dead center on slab, clipping 3 bolts, climb over a roof, 6c+ or 5.11d passing a fixed pin to belay.The second pitch goes diagonally left and upwards towards first crux at 8a or 5.13b and then to an easier crux. It is all on bolts at 7a+/7b or 5.12b/c and goes to double bolt anchors.Third pitch: traverse right to a 6b or 5.11a move, then straight to a short 6a or 5.10b traverse on some bolts and natural pro, finishing on buckets: it is beautiful and exposed.LocationThis is on the left Main Ophir Wall, right ofDr. Gizmoand left ofHot Wee Wee.Protection10 clips, bring a small single rack from RPs to #3 Friend.Routes in Main Wall1Dr. Gizmo5.10+Trad2Dingomaniaque5.13-Sport 3Comes a Time5.10-Trad4Rainbow Warrior5.9+Sport5Opharian Complex5.9+Trad6Emotional Rescue5.10+Trad7Hot Wee Wee5.9Trad8Black Primo5.9Trad · Sport9Blue Moon5.8Trad · Sport10Trout-Jamieson5.10aTrad11The Chameleon5.12dSport12White Salamander5.12bSport13Horse Play5.8Trad14Smokin’ Toasters5.10+Trad15Horse Chaser5.9Trad · Tr16Hidden Secrets5.9Trad17Sailing Shoes5.10+Trad18Total Recall5.11c/dSport19Just Another 5.95.9Trad20Crescent Loon5.8+Trad21Morning Glory5.12dTrad · Sport22Cheeseburger in Paradise5.10+Trad23Feeling Edgy5.10Trad · Sport24Honey Pot Dihedral5.8+Trad25Y-Crack5.10+Trad26Y Not Continue?5.10dTrad27Lowe/Kudo5.10+Trad28The Cross5.12dTrad29Post Office Crack5.8Trad30Savelli Express5.13aTrad