
FA Antoine Savelli & Teri Savelli, 1986
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is the first multi-pitch bolted route put up in 1986. It was very controversial at that time.

It is left of

Hot Wee Wee

and right of

Dr. Gizmo


First pitch: climb dead center on slab, clipping 3 bolts, climb over a roof, 6c+ or 5.11d passing a fixed pin to belay.

The second pitch goes diagonally left and upwards towards first crux at 8a or 5.13b and then to an easier crux. It is all on bolts at 7a+/7b or 5.12b/c and goes to double bolt anchors.

Third pitch: traverse right to a 6b or 5.11a move, then straight to a short 6a or 5.10b traverse on some bolts and natural pro, finishing on buckets: it is beautiful and exposed.


This is on the left Main Ophir Wall, right of

Dr. Gizmo

and left of

Hot Wee Wee



10 clips, bring a small single rack from RPs to #3 Friend.