HomeUSAOregonSouthwest OregonHoneycombs, TheForbidden Comb<Taste of Honey Overhang, variation5.10c/dEdit modeChasing the Edge5.10bsportFA Matt HallmanCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThe route starts on crimps and finger pockets working forcing you in to some tense reaches, until about half way, where you will find the crux. A few stiff crimps and technical footwork beta will get you through. After working out the crux, the route runs the rest of the way in Honeycomb jugs! Needs more climbing! A little dirty at the top due to lack of climbers (just some dust in the jugs).LocationThis area/route is on the large wall preceding the famed Taste of Honey route. If you see Taste of Honey than you have gone too far. When first seeing the base of the Forbidden Comb look up to the right. There is a thought scramble up the base of the face. About 20 yards up you will some bolts/belay stations. Also, poison ivy likes to grow at the bottom of the route. It’s a great route, worth avoiding the poison ivy or providing some extra stewardship for the area and cut some down before your send! This Area of the Forbidden Comb has some solid potential for much, much more serious climbing. Especial 60+ feet up. (For future developers).ProtectionQuick drawsRoutes in Forbidden Comb1Honey Pot5.10cSport2Taste of Honey5.9Sport3Taste of Honey Overhang, variation5.10c/dSport4Chasing the Edge5.10bSport