Sector Strategies

FA Micah Elconin 2019 (2020)
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start up easy ground (easier than unpaid), to a nice stance below the steepening headwall. A few bolts of mid 5.12 with big moves and some shouldery work take you to the crux. My heckin donk fully broke the crux crimp on 6/19/20 and Micah re-FA'd the route a few weeks later. Now the prevailing beta is a huge move to a flat edge, a desperate piano match, and an outro that stays physical on thin holds for another 2-3 bolts. In isolation, the crux is harder. This is on a route that already posed significant endurance demands--subsequently upgraded a letter. The crux may be less fun now, esp. for non-pianists.


Third route from the left. In between feasibility study and fake it till you make it.


Bolts. Sport lowers.