HomeUSAOregonWillamette ValleyEagles RestBomb Shelter<Emergent Strategy5.13c>Side Hustle5.11aEdit modeSector Strategies5.13bsportFA Micah Elconin 2019 (2020)CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart up easy ground (easier than unpaid), to a nice stance below the steepening headwall. A few bolts of mid 5.12 with big moves and some shouldery work take you to the crux. My heckin donk fully broke the crux crimp on 6/19/20 and Micah re-FA'd the route a few weeks later. Now the prevailing beta is a huge move to a flat edge, a desperate piano match, and an outro that stays physical on thin holds for another 2-3 bolts. In isolation, the crux is harder. This is on a route that already posed significant endurance demands--subsequently upgraded a letter. The crux may be less fun now, esp. for non-pianists.LocationThird route from the left. In between feasibility study and fake it till you make it.ProtectionBolts. Sport lowers.Routes in (F) Bomb Shelter1Group Therapy5.6Sport2House of Cards5.13cSport3Fake It Till You Make It5.13bSport4Emergent Strategy5.13cSport5Sector Strategies5.13bSport 6Side Hustle5.11aSport7Feasibility Study5.12dSport8Unpaid Internship5.11bSport920 Years5.11b/cSport10Wildly Idle5.12bSport11The Blues are Still Blue5.11aSport