HomeUSAColoradoIdaho SpringsLoch LomondOhman LakeOhman TalusLower OhmanUnder Loch and Key Boulder<I Am Not a NurseV3>Under Loch and KeyV5-Edit modeTension PneumothoraxV4boulderingalpineFA Abner AlbinoCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart as perPink is the New Black, but gain the crystal pinch with a left hand and make a big move right, finishing on the top out ofUnder Loch and Key.Protection2-3 pads, spotter.Routes in Under Loch and Key Boulder1Pink is the New BlackV3Bouldering · Alpine2I Am Not a NurseV3Bouldering · Alpine3Tension PneumothoraxV4Bouldering · Alpine 4Under Loch and KeyV5-Bouldering · Alpine5Key to the CastleV6Bouldering · Alpine