HomeUSAColoradoFort CollinsPoudre CanyonWest of RusticCanalsGrotto Bloc<The GrottoV8>IncisorV6Edit modeToothlessV8boulderingFA Nick PerlCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionToothless is a fun problem on the backside of this boulder. Start sitting matched on the obvious edge, make a big up and right, then continue through easier moves to the top. The log raft is courtesy of Matt Poiez.LocationIt is the center line on the backside.Protection3 pads.Routes in Grotto Bloc1SinkholeV7Bouldering2Garden FeatureV4Bouldering3Root CanalV10Bouldering4The GrottoV8Bouldering5ToothlessV8Bouldering 6IncisorV6Bouldering7UnloadedV8Bouldering8ReloadedV9Bouldering9KaleidoscopeV9Bouldering10RoygbivV3Bouldering11LimelightV3Bouldering12Weenie Hut Jr.V5Bouldering