HomeUSAWashingtonCentral-East Cascades, Wenatchee, & LeavenworthLeavenworthIcicle CreekPurina and Careno AreaCareno Crag<Left Wing5.9>Finders Keepers5.9Edit modeCondo Corner5.10btradFA Dave Bale, Viktor KramarCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionHead up the left facing dihedral with some good hands and off-hands jamming till it pinchs off to a finger crack with some face help. A little mossy but clean where you need it to be. Move through the crux roof with some fun stemming (if wanted) and onto the face. A couple slab moves past one bolt leads to a nice two bolt anchor with chains.LocationFollow the standard descent trail from the big ledge on Careno Crag which is typically accessed from the third pitch of the the Regular Route or similar routes. Right before “Condo Cave” is a prominent left facing dihedral.ProtectionStandard rack, 1 boltRoutes in Careno Crag1Existential Exit5.10aTrad2Pocketmeister5.10a/bSport3Bale/Kramar route5.10bTrad · Sport4Careno Corners5.9Trad5Skyfall5.11aTrad6El Camino Real5.10+Trad7Giant Steps5.11bSport8Wraptor5.11Sport9Corino Corner5.11cSport10Heave Ho5.10aTrad · Sport11Super Freaky5.10bTrad12Bromancing the Stone5.10+Trad13Regular Route5.10bTrad14Passing Lane5.10aTrad15The Parkway5.8Trad16Cool Struttin'5.10aSport17Nubbin Grubbin'5.11bSport18Killer B's5.10cSport19Left Wing5.9Trad20Condo Corner5.10bTrad 21Finders Keepers5.9Sport22MJB Arete5.11bSport23Pumpline5.11aTrad24Free Floyd5.10aTrad25Roger's Tower5.8+Trad26Just a Gigolo5.10-Trad27A Swingin' Affair5.10bTrad28An Exotic Affair5.12aTrad29Exotic Dancer5.10aTrad