HomeUSACaliforniaSan Francisco Bay AreaWine CountrySalt Point State ParkTreasure Chest, The<Capitan Cornburglar5.11c>Mr. Salty5.12bEdit modeThe Angler5.12bsportFA Jordy Morgan and Marcos NunezCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionDo the first two bolts of Mr. Salty and continue left to a beautiful seam. Great rock. Very rarely has chalk.LocationShares a start with Booty and Mr. Salty. Leftmost route of the three.Protection5 BoltsRoutes in The Treasure Chest1Captain Hook5.10bTr · Sport2Captain Crunch5.11dSport3Capitan Cornburglar5.11cSport4The Angler5.12bSport 5Mr. Salty5.12bSport6Booty5.10cSport7Blue Beard5.11bSport8Spread Eagle (aka Gritty Kitty)5.7Trad · Tr9Salty Dog5.12aTr · Sport10Red Beard5.10aSport