HomeUSAArizonaSouthern ArizonaCochise StrongholdWest StrongholdNaiche's Nest<The Rest of the Story5.10a>Hunter's Left Layback5.9+Edit modeBorland's Story Line5.8+sporttrFA Bill BorlandCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThe crux is the 15 feet above the first big ledge, but it's not much of a crux. The route is sustained 5.7-5.8.LocationWhen walking along the western base of the dome, climb over the 3 ft high boulder blocking the path. The route starts just above the boulder. Look for the first bolt about 10 feet up and just below the ledge.Protection6 bolts to the anchor chains.Routes in Naiche's Nest1The Rest of the Story5.10aTr · Sport2Borland's Story Line5.8+Tr · Sport 3Hunter's Left Layback5.9+Tr · Sport4Cochise was a Smooth Dude5.11Tr · Sport5Kaeli's Clean Start5.8Tr · Sport6Naiche's Bow5.8+Tr · Sport7Aaron’s Beanfest Route5.9Trad8Allie’s Beanfest Route5.7Trad