HomeUSAColoradoCarbondale AreaRedstone AreaRedstone BouldersStein Boulder<Unknown V5V5>Golf Ball RightV5Edit modeGolf BallV5boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart on frightfully small but satisfying crimps at 4 feet high on the far right side of the south face. Move up on slopping cobbles and crimpy pebbles. Throw right hand for the golf ball pebble (you will know it when you see it) and then move up and left to he big juggy rail. Move right along the rail to top out.There is also a fun variation where you move left hand up to the golf ball and using no other holds to the right, dyno across to the left for the rail.LocationFar right side of the south face of the Stein Boulder.Protection1+ pads.Routes in Stein Boulder1SlopensteinV6Bouldering2Super SlopensteinV8Bouldering3Gertrude SteinV9Bouldering4Hit or MissV8-9Bouldering5EinsteinV7+Bouldering6UnknownV7Bouldering7AreteSteinV6+Bouldering8OffwidthV0Bouldering9Gertrude Stein TraverseV9-10Bouldering10FrankensteinV7Bouldering11GristletwistV10Bouldering12CrimpensteinV6-7Bouldering13PinchensteinV4-5Bouldering14MelonsteinV6-7Bouldering15LinkensteinV5Bouldering16Warm UpV0-1Bouldering17Steinal TapV1Bouldering18Unknown V5V5Bouldering19Golf BallV5Bouldering 20Golf Ball RightV5Bouldering