HomeUSAUtahWasatch RangeNorthern WasatchOgdenOgden Boulder FieldPatriot Crack AreaCurrent Affairs<Quid Pro QuoV6Edit modeQuid Pro Quo (sit) AKA Squid Row RowV8boulderingFA Andrew ThallerCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThe low low start to Quid Pro Quo. Left hand is the same compressing a tiny knob and right hand on a 1/2 pad crimp (same crimp used for a toe hook later on.)The sit adds about 3 hand moves into the stand, and a few foot moves (giving the grade.) Left hand slaps then bumps to a good pinch. Right hand to either the RH start hold or a incut side pull. From here you enter the original line.Protection3-4 padsRoutes in Current Affairs1Mamba OutV3Bouldering2Quid Pro QuoV6Bouldering3Quid Pro Quo (sit) AKA Squid Row RowV8Bouldering