HomeUSAMassachusettsEastern, MAMiddlesex FellsWright's ParkTheta Boulder<South Side VariationsV0+>East Face LeftV1-2Edit modeTheta RidgeV0-boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionClimb the obvious ridge that ascends the boulder. This is a good way to get down as well.LocationStart at the south end of the boulder.ProtectionA pad.Routes in Theta Boulder1West Face SitV2Bouldering2South Side VariationsV0+Bouldering3Theta RidgeV0-Bouldering 4East Face LeftV1-2Bouldering5East Face RightV2Bouldering6Orange ZeusV1Bouldering7Slab Problem with Gift of Extra FeetV1-2Bouldering8Grains of ParadiseV3Bouldering9EndymionV4Bouldering