HomeUSANew MexicoNew Mexico, other Southern AreasTunnel, TheShady SideShady Side Left<Rebecca5.13->Jorge Cantstaña5.13bEdit modeGeorge5.12csportFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionBegin by climbing the steep bottom section on good holds to a decent rest. Veer right after the fourth bolt by completing some difficult, bouldery moves on bad holds to gain access to a large, hanging feature. Turn the lip mantling and complete the final, tricky pulls on the vertical face to clip the anchors.This route seemed hard for the grade (12c) and the crux moves felt more 12+/13- to me, but it was also really dirty.LocationStarts just above the "George" tag in the middle of the face.ProtectionboltsRoutes in Shady Side Left1The Little School Boy5.13bSport2Pipsqueak5.13aSport3Mulva de la Doloris5.13cSport4Volver de La Belle Epoque5.14bSport5Doug5.13aSport6Oktoberfest5.13bSport7Big Bad Love (a.k.a. Bill)5.13cSport8Rebecca5.13-Sport9George5.12cSport 10Jorge Cantstaña5.13bSport11Jerk Off5.13aSport12Julie5.12cSport13Sculie5.12bSport14Scott5.12aSport15Scottie Pippen5.12aSport16Hanging Meatloaf5.12dSport17The Forgotten5.12aSport18HIVD5.12bSport19Gromit5.12+Sport20Abbey5.12aSport21Butch5.11cSport22Bandit5.11aSport23Budro5.11cSport24Ed's Line5.12aSport