HomeUSAWisconsinBaraboo RangeDevil's LakeDevil's Lake BoulderingSouth Bluff02. Ghost TalusGreen Fire>Green HazeV8Edit modeGreen FireV6boulderingFA RemoCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart on a great left hand pinch and a small sidepull for your right. Climb into two slick edges and topout the left side of the boulder.LocationRoughly 25 yards east of Fustercluck.ProtectionPadsRoutes in Green Fire1Green FireV6Bouldering 2Green HazeV8Bouldering3Sail AwayV7Bouldering4Full SailV10Bouldering5Storm JibV3+Bouldering6Pine TimeV2-3Bouldering