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Peak Mountain 3

Wall of the Dancing Dwarfs



The Wall of the Dancing Dwarfs is located immediately to the right of the Wall of the Marching Munchkins. The formation is a 165ft partially detached tower of blocky, golden and red rock. The rock faces west and sees sun starting around noon, slightly earlier than the neighboring walls. The climbs on the left are reminiscent of those found on the Wall of the Marching Munchkins while those on the right ascend larger, blocky features.

Three routes have second pitches. These routes, which are frequently climbed as single short pitches, are:

Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain P1: 5.10d, 65ft | P2: 5.12a, 50ft

Horse Of A Different Color P1: 5.11a, 90ft | P2: 5.10d, 50ft

Scarecrow P1: 5.8+, 65ft | P2: 5.10a, 90ft

These routes can be climbed as long single pitches or broken into two. The latter two routes require two rappels to descend while the former can be rappelled with a single 70m rope. The climber has some discretion regarding which first pitch is climbed.



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